Mighty Oaks Day Nursery | 10 Reading To Children Tips You Need To Learn Now
Mighty Oaks Day Nursery | We are all aware that today, most children are so much more interested in watching television for hours, playing video games throughout the night, and gossiping on the Internet than they are in reading. According to recent figures from the U.K. Department of Education, children are spending an average of four to six hours daily watching TV or movies; and that’s before the Coronavirus pandemic. It has been proven, time and time again, that children who read achieve. They do better in school and in life. “Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” – Frederick Douglass Children who read tend to accomplish higher test and exam scores more often than their peers who read less often. However, getting children to simply open a book can sometimes be very tricky for parents and teachers alike : Mighty Oaks Day Nursery Realize this, it is never too soon to get your child on the path to reading. Mighty Oaks Day Nursery The U.K. Department of Edu...